Diamo il benvenuto a Tempobet nella nostra lista di bookmakers su BreakingBet! Tempobet è noto per le sue quote competitive e la vasta offerta di scommesse sportive.
Auguriamo a tutti i nostri utenti grandi successi con Tempobet!
Admin16 dicembre 2020 11:27
Please use the Bug Report function to inform us of such situations. So we get all the necessary information for analysis.
Bug report: https://prnt.sc/q19hib
mehmet15 dicembre 2020 19:59
Hi. Guess theres a bug about tempobet. It shows locked or removed bets. For example arb saying TO 1.5 but there is no such a bet. Can you guys take a look at it.
Please use the Bug Report function to inform us of such situations. So we get all the necessary information for analysis.
Bug report: https://prnt.sc/q19hib
Hi. Guess theres a bug about tempobet. It shows locked or removed bets. For example arb saying TO 1.5 but there is no such a bet. Can you guys take a look at it.
Please read: https://breaking-bet.com/en/help/valuebets
is valuebnets also arbitrage bet in here or not?
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