How to install OddsClicker?

 Mike Bowl
Aktualisiert am: 27 Dezember, 2024
5 Minuten


Windows: Chrome, Edge and analogs

  1. Download .reg file, that adds extension id to whitelist (Windows only). If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  2. Run (double click .reg file (Windows only);
  3. Restart your browser;
  4. Download .crx install file. If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  5. Click to Add extension.

Linux: Chrome, Edge and analogs

  1. Download .reg file, that adds extension id to whitelist (Windows only). If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  2. Run (double click .reg file (Windows only);
  3. Download .crx install file. If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  4. In the browser address bar, enter: chrome://extensions/ and go to the extensions page;
  5. windows chrome extension page
  6. Turn on the Developer Mode;
  7. oddsclicker windows chrome developer mode
  8. Drag the downloaded .crx file to the open browser extensions page;
  9. Click to Install extension button;
  10. oddsclicker windows chrome install
  11. In the message that appears, Chrome cannot verify the origin of the extension, click on the three dots on the right, and then Keep the extension;
  12. oddsclicker windows chrome install final stage

Windows, Linux, MacOS: Firefox Developer, Firefox ESR, Firefox Nightly

  1. Got to about:config page;
  2. oddsclicker windows firefox install step1
  3. Set xpinstall.signatures.required to false;
  4. oddsclicker windows firefox install step2
  5. Download .xpi extension file. If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  6. Click to Continue to installation;
  7. Click Add.

Android: Firefox Nightly

  1. Download .xpi extension file. If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  2. Got to about:config;
  3. oddsclicker android firefox install step1
  4. Set xpinstall.signatures.required to false;
  5. oddsclicker android firefox install step2
  6. Open new tab;
  7. oddsclicker android firefox install step3
  8. Go to the Options, and About Firefox Nightly;
  9. oddsclicker android firefox install step4
  10. Click on the Firefox icon about 5 times until the debug menu is activated;
  11. oddsclicker android firefox install step5
  12. oddsclicker android firefox install step6
  13. Return to Settings, click Install extension from file;
  14. oddsclicker android firefox install step7
  15. Select the downloaded .xpi/.zip, confirm adding the extension.
  16. oddsclicker android firefox install step8

Android: Kiwi

  1. Download .crx extension file. If the file does not download, right-click and select "Save As";
  2. Go to the extensions page;
  3. oddsclicker android kiwi install step1
  4. oddsclicker android kiwi install step2
  5. Turn on the Developer mode;
  6. oddsclicker android kiwi install step3
  7. Click + from .crx and select the downloaded .crx.
  8. oddsclicker android kiwi install step4


Attention! For the extension to work correctly, other extensions must be disabled, otherwise the stability of operation cannot be guaranteed.