moins d'une minute
BreakingBet est fier d'introduire une nouvelle fonctionnalité – le Chercheur de Middles.
Ce service innovant permet aux utilisateurs d'analyser et d'identifier les middles les plus rentables dans les paris. Le Chercheur de Middles simplifie le processus de recherche de paris avec des chances de gagner se chevauchant, améliorant le potentiel de paris réussis.
Thanks for the info. We will analyze the middles section.
Greetings! The middle is not encouraging, beside paying for a service that has not value is not ok. Please, look into this middles and see how it can be made to be profitable because as it stands, am not impressed. The second odd is extremely low.
Please describe the problem in more detail to us by mail: You can attach screenshots. Thank you in advance.
I don't understand the important of this middle how can one play a game of 1.01, it like playing to check whether the money will lose or come, beside it is irrelevant to have such. One is just playing one side game because the other side is mostly 1.01
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I still don't understand this middle, is both sides supposed to win?
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