Maximizing Profits with the Kelly Criterion in Sports Betting

 Mike Bowl
Updated at: 26 January, 2024
1 minute

The Kelly Criterion is a pivotal strategy in sports betting, crucial for optimal bankroll management. It balances risk and reward, aiding bettors in making informed wager decisions.

Kelly Criterion Explained

At its core, the Kelly Criterion is a formula for calculating the perfect bet size. It uses the odds and your own estimated probability of a win to suggest how much of your bankroll to wager.

Fraction of bankroll to bet = (bp - q) / b

b = decimal odds - 1,
p = probability of winning,
q = probability of losing (which is 1 - p)

For example, if you have a total bankroll of $1000, odds of 2.0 (thus b = 1), and you estimate a 55% chance of winning (thus p = 0.55 and q = 0.45), the calculation would be:

Fraction to bet = (1 * 0.55 − 0.45) / 1 = 0.1

So, you would bet 10% of your bankroll, which is $100.

Bankroll Management

The Kelly Criterion's true value lies in its ability to manage your betting bankroll. It aims to maximize long-term growth while minimizing the risk of a significant drawdown.

Differential Kelly and Kelly's Trading

For more seasoned bettors, variations like Differential Kelly allow for betting on multiple outcomes simultaneously, further refining the strategy


The Kelly Criterion is more than just a betting formula; it's a comprehensive approach to responsible and successful sports betting. Incorporating it into your betting strategy can significantly enhance your betting efficiency and profitability.