User Account. Profile

 Mike Bowl
Updated at: 19 June, 2022
1 minute

Subscription allows a user to access surebets and valuebets depending on the chosen plan. The duration of the subscription is selected at the stage of its purchase.

Subscriptions can be renewed at a reduced price before it ends. The price of renewal is always lower than the purchase price. When prolonging a still valid subscription, the remaining time of the current subscription does not burn, but is added to the newly purchased one. You can not renew a subscription that has already ended. In this case, you must buy a new one.

In this section of the user profile, you get access to information on your current subscriptions, the ability to manage subscriptions, information on active promo codes, and some other control elements.

Let us consider the main sections.

Subscription management

This block contains a list of active or currently frozen subscriptions with a description of the plan, the end date and the possibility of freezing/activation.

subscriptions management

  1. Link to the page with plans where you can prolong/purchase the necessary subscription.
  2. Freeze/activate button for selected subscription. To freeze it, you must select the number of days for which you plan to suspend the operation of the subscription. You can freeze any subscription for the number of days available according to your plan.

Attention! In case of unplanned activation of a subscription (when the user does not wait for the date of activation planned before), 1 day (24 hours) is subtracted from the subscription.

Change of password and newsletter subscription

The page also allows a user to change their password and subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter of the Service. The newsletter allows to receive news about the changes by email and be aware of the latest innovations. Those users who are actively involved in the life of the project and are subscribed to the mailing list may receive occasional promotional codes as a thank you from the Administration.